
Monday, February 24, 2014

Meal Plan Monday: Why Frozen Food Month Makes Meal Planning Fun

March is Frozen Foods Month!  You will start to see lots of sales for items from your friendly grocer's freezer section.  Embrace it!  Start clearing room in the freezer!
The reality is that I'm a food hoarder.  No matter how I try, the start of March rolls around, and I have a full freezer.  Albertson's, in particular, will have a sale (at least in years past) where you fill a paper bag and receive a percentage off of the items in the bag.  Ice cream will go on sale.  Frozen veg will be cheep cheep. Frozen convenience items (step back from those--they are the road to heartache) will be attractively priced.
But on to the meal plan for the week.  Josh is on-call this week, so he's responsible for planning out the meals on his days off (but on call) as they fall in the middle of the week (Wednesday-Thursday).  I have this odd feeling that spaghetti will occur one day and that  grilling will occur the other, but who knows.
Monday:  leftover tourtierre, green veg, gravy
Tuesday:  sandwiches/hot dogs (maybe a sandwich or hot dog bar?)
Wednesday:  Josh prep
Thursday:  Josh prep
Friday:  pizza using two-ingredient pizza dough
Saturday:  meatball subs or leftovers from the Blackberry Pie Murder party
Sunday:  baked chicken, roasted veg (if the weather is cool; otherwise canned veg), rice and gravy
(The crock-pot baked chicken will be used for other meals throughout the week)
What are you planning for the week?
I am linking up at "I'm an Organization Junkie's" Menu Plan Monday.

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